

This resource provides information about movies from the Harry Potter Universe.


box_officestringThe revenue this movie raised through ticket sales.
budgetstringThe budget of this movie.
cinematographersarrayA list of cinematographers in this movies.
directorsarrayA list of people who directed this movies.
distributorsarrayA list of people who distributed this movies.
editorsarrayA list of people who edited this movies.
music_composersarrayA list of people who composed the music of this movies.
posterstringA link to the poster of this movie.
producersarrayA list of people who produced this movies.
ratingstringThe age recommendation of this movie.
release_datedateThe date when this movie was released.
running_timestringThe running time of this movie.
screenwritersarrayA list of screenwriters in this movies.
slugstringA slug to identify this movie.
summarystringThe summary of this movie.
titlestringThe title of this movie.
trailerstringA link to the trailer of this movie.
wikistringA link to the Harry Potter Wiki Page of this movie.